Monday, December 10, 2012

End of First Week

Well my first week wasn't exactly a full week, but thought I would just get things on a regular schedule.  I am happy so far with my results.  I think there is some real advantages with this way of eating.  Since starting the middle of last week, I have lost almost 6 lbs.  I am looking forward to losing another 6 this week.

The weekends are the hardest to keep on track.  I did pretty good.  My wife's company had their xmas party Saturday night, and while I was able to eat pretty good, you can assume nothing was organic.  Veggies were probably canned and who knows where the meat came from.  I ate sparingly, and avoided the bread pit.  I did indulge in some libations, but nothing to excess.

Sunday was spend grocery shopping and baking.  This is the time of year my wife makes cookies for xmas.  She gives a lot of them away though.  I convinced her that if she was going to bake, then at least use organic ingredients.  She agreed and to her surprise, they tasted better than previous years.  I cut up fruit for the coming weeks lunches, and cooked some beef tips as well.  Going to do up some chicken tonight and some salad as well.  Not going to pay $7.00 for a fast food salad ever again!

So I started this journey weighing in at 220.5 lbs.  As of this morning I am at 215 lbs.  Not too shabby for having only changed what I eat.  No exercise, nothing else has changed.  I am keeping a close eye on what I eat, and am trying to not eat anything that has been processed.

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