Wednesday, December 5, 2012

And so it begins...

Today starts the journey of my weight loss. I decided to chronicle my journey so maybe others in my situation can benefit from what I learn. Let me take you back a ways and give you some history.

I was always a skinny person. At 18 I was 6 ft. tall and weighted 130 lbs. Up until I was 35, I only gained 15 lbs. I got married at 29, and moved to a new area shortly after turning 35. Over the course of the next six months, I gained 50 lbs! I couldn't figure out why, so I blamed it on my being a computer guy and not moving a whole lot. Over the next 14 years I would balloon up to a high of 220 lbs. This is where I am now.

I have lost weight over the years, the most about 3 years ago when I went down to 189 lbs. It took 3 years to gain it back. So here I am, once again trying to get the weight off. But this time I stumbled onto something that I hope will be a game changer. I discovered Dr. Davis and his book Wheat Belly. I haven't read the book yet, but have watched a seminar he gave, and have read a lot of testimonials. All outward appearances point to this being the silver bullet for weight loss.

My blog will be a record of my journey into a wheat/grain free lifestyle. Of note is that I am the only member of my family to undertake this diet change. I am hopeful that as the results are seen, the others will follow suit. I will try to get a before picture up soon so you will have something to use as a visual reference.

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